Some Wings of Fire Pyrrhian tribe headcanons

Welp. I drew 17 dragons and only four pairs of eyes. Illustrated headcanons, yay!

No spoilers here...still.

Pictured, clockwise from top: OCs Slurry, Saffron, Delta, Ibis, Sedge, Vervain, and Kaolin

MudWings are generally more touchy-feely than the other tribes, and engage in play behaviors for more of their lives. Like cats, they can have multiple fathers for a single clutch, and as such, a sibling group can have more color variation than you might expect. They can be any color of mud, depending on the region of the kingdom their ancestors came from, and occasionally the females come in calico. They have the strongest bite force of any tribe.

NightWing eyes seem to glow in the dark, like a cat's, and they have the second-strongest bite force.

Pictured, from top:
Nobles: Queen Glacier, Winter
Commoners: OCs Iceberg, unnamed, Niveous, Rimaye 
IceWings in the noble Circles tend to be pure white, silver, or icy blue, with very few markings, while lower-class dragons have a wider variety of colors and patterns.

SandWings come in every color sand can come in, from off-white, to golden-tan, to brown, to reddish (down in the southern areas near the peninsula), to even occasionally black (cough cough melanism). Pink and green SandWings are also a possibility, although not on mainland Pyrrhia. Also, kohl markings.

This one's not my headcanon, but I've fully embraced it: SandWings have much larger ears than the other tribes. This both aids in heat regulation in their desert habitat and contributes to their excellent hearing.


  1. Oh, man. No wonder you had such a hard time keeping the dragons' dogpile picture straight as you were drawing it! I can barely keep it straight now that it's finished~

    Also: the NightWings should absolutely do that all the time, being that it's kind of what they're designed to do. Makes me want to model and render some dragons. With the scientific-style commentary especially--I love when people do that to fictional creatures.

  2. Oh my gosh I love this!!! I have a sandwing oc who has reddish-orange scales with black markings, her name is Caracal. So coool that other people also love the idea of more diverse scale color for sanwings.
