
And now, back to your regularly-scheduled non-creepy fandom content.

Peril, from WoF, both with the colors plain and with a glow effect added. My design is pretty different from both the official art and most fanart, but the books describe her as having copper-colored scales, so that's what I went with. She should be a little more metallic-looking, probably.

Peril from Wings of Fire

Peril from Wings of Fire

1 comment:

  1. The glow effect looks nice. Not really like a "glow" so much as a "color pattern" of some sort, but...still,

    Hmm, metallic...from what I hear, metallic things are a bit unintuitive to draw. If you're going to attempt it, here's my thoughts:
    The thing that makes metal look like metal is that it reflects its surroundings very strongly. It doesn't have to be perfectly accurate (or at all accurate!~), as long as there's some reflections there. Make sure to combine the reflections and the color together using the Multiply layer mode. That will make the darks show up, and will tint the brights to the color of the metallic surface, both of which are about how metal works in real life. Consider making dimmer highlights (and edges of brighter ones) multiply into the surface color too, but not too much so you can still tell they're bright spots.
