Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Here, have something that isn't Phantom for once. Specifically, designs for my teams from PMD.

Here's the previously-seen Explorers of Sky team, with Cyndaquil player and Mudkip partner. Including a design for the player character as a human!

And here are the fully-evolved designs for my original Blue Rescue Team squad, from the first time I played a PMD game all the way through. Mudkip is one of my favorite Pokemon, ss you may be able to see....

I've got a vague idea for a story involving these two teams meeting. Probably nothing will ever come of it, though--I've already got a comic to work on, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Love the human's outfit. And her hair. And Mudkip+Cyndaquil are properly adorable when they only come up to the top of the boot~ (especially with the scarf and bow)
