The Falconry Chronicles: Page 9

*Dazed look* it done? Huh?

Anyway, I'm not going to post a page next week. It turns out I really do need at least one page of backlog for my own sanity, and hopefully this will give me a chance to build that back up, so that I don't have to do things like force myself through most of the linework and all of the coloring in one day. 

Thank goodness this page is dialogue-free, or I definitely wouldn't have gotten it out on time. As it is...*faints*


  1. Final panel's sky background is nice. Reminds me of Kirby Super Star (Ultra)!
    And the trees. Charmingly shaped, too.

  2. Also: his expressions in each panel are cool to see changing through his entire body (my fav is the last panel--his neck's doing that going-forward thing which seems very, very quadruped-ish in a very nice fashion~!).
