Once you start drawing characters as dragons you can never escape. Anyway here's the cast of our latest family obsession, Gravity Falls. This took me like four days

Clockwise from top left that's Dipper, Bill Cipher, Mabel, Wendy, Ford, Soos, and Stan.

Click read more for code translations and larger images.

THE CODES, from top to bottom, say "GOAT EYES because dragons have slit pupils," "still a triangle," and "sus."


  1. I stand by what I said earlier: Soos looks AMAZING here. (That color palette is, like, perfect.)

    And daaang, that's Gemini on the Stans' wings innit?~

    Heh, Stan's expression just perfectly captures the whole "grumpy old man" thing :)

    1. Yessss I'm so glad someone noticed the Gemini

      And thank you!
