Pipevine the SilkWing
I drew this back in December, for an art contest on the Wings of Fire Wiki. The dragon is Pipevine, flamesilk SilkWing OC of a wiki user called SkyFireStone [links: SkyFire, Pipevine].


Ref of Noxy the Imp, one of the main characters from tenuously-named Song of the World Dragons (the book Driki and Afinaz are from). She's a good girl.


A pretty rainbow boy from WoF.


Just some royal SeaWing I did for practice, but it came out kinda nice.

Ultra Fire Lady

A.k.a Purple Stripe Alien. My 4yo sister's character. She lives on the moon.

Amaranth of Bone

A dragon matriarch from FLAME.

Some WoF things

More from the Ammut batch: IceWing OC Niveous, who is based on jade icebergs, and everyone's favorite HiveWing Cricket.


ripred the rat from the underland chronicles
Ripred from The Underland Chronicles, by Suzanne Collins. This series doesn't get enough love.

This sketch is from the same batch as that last drawing of Ammut. I think I'm going to go through my files and post a bunch of things that were drawn in the last few months and never posted.

Hey, this blog's a little over a year old now!