
More WoF fanart, still spoiler-free. Everyone's favorite angry LeafWing gal. I was originally planning for this to just be a quick sketch....

Lady Scarab

One of the characters from the latest arc of Wings of Fire, drawn in celebration of the newest book's release. Don't worry, though, there are no spoilers here.

Lady Scarab from Wings of Fire
The linework here is pretty rough, as I mainly wanted to focus on the colors. I'm happy with how it came out, though.

Some Random Doodles from Throughout This Year

In approximate chronological order:
A guy in a cloak and warpaint
A griffon and a ferret

Yeah I still have no clue why I drew this
This was a cool overlap of layers from a WIP.
An oncilla phoenix! Inspired partially by the lammergeier. I never was entirely happy with this...
Bedsheet ghost!
One of my brothers jokingly requested I draw someone made half of slime, so...
This is so stupid

This came from an in-joke. "Oh, Black Panther's the wrong color? He must've gotten in some kind of paint factory accident or something."

Wasn't really happy with the light effect on this one, but oh well.
More sketches of our cat


Just a colored sketch, really. Qibli the SandWing, protagonist of WoF book 10: Darkness of Dragons.

Qibli from Wings of Fire

The White Wolf and the Princess of Wakanda

Bucky and Shuri
Bucky Barnes and Princess Shuri, both in their costumes from Infinity War.

I've had this picture in my head since June, but I didn't have any motivation to actually draw it until a couple days ago.

Clock Dragon

A.k.a. this guy again. I don't know almost anything about him, name included. If he's an actual time spirit and not just a clock spirit, he may have a space dragon counterpart....

Clock dragon

The Deltarune Heroes

The Deltarune heroes: Ralsei, Susie, and Kris
The Three Heroes of Legend! Or the Fun Gang, or something. All of them have two different designs, depending on what part of the game you're in, and I thought it'd be cool to do something with that. And now I've actually drawn Kris, yay.

Tu Eshosh

This is...pretty different from my normal style, but I like how it came out. Gas mask snake!

Tu Eshosh

Notice: I finally got around to scanning my Inktober drawings, and all posts in that series have now been updated with the scans, if you're interested in looking at those.

RainWing.exe is loading. Please wait.

Animated in GIMP.

EDIT: Since I've gotten several comments saying that it won't load, I should probably mention: the animation IS the loading circle. Apparently I did this a little too well.

More Deltarune

Clover Deltarune
Clover! She's my favorite of the new enemies.

Seam, pronounced "Shawm"
Seam, pronounced "Shawm." He's fantastic.

Noelle Holiday
Noelle, the reindeer girl. One of Kris's classmates.

Teenage Monster Kid!
And, returning from the first game, it's Monster Kid! Our little armless lizard is all grown up now :')  Still has no name, though.
This guy's hard to pose.


There's!! an Undertale!! sequel now!! Well, only one chapter of it, but still!


Ralsei, the Lonely Prince! Done in a couple different styles; I'm still trying to figure out how to draw him properly:

Fluffy Boy!

Also Susie. I didn't like her much at first, but I'm a sucker for stories about villains making friends and learning to be good. This drawing was done in ballpoint pen and colored digitally:
Violent Ax Susie

There are still so many characters I want to draw--Seam! Clover! Teen!Monster Kid if his sprites ever get put online anywhere! Probably Kris I guess!

Captain America (Infinity War costume)

Infinity War Cap

Doodled this in ballpoint pen yesterday, and colored it today. I'm a little surprised by how well I remembered the details, considering I didn't have reference art while drawing it.

Some OC designs

Well, I totally dropped the ball on Inktober. Not because I wasn't drawing, though--I've made several reference sheets of the characters from my WoF fanfic/planned fancomic over the past few days, and I figured out how to animate in GIMP (more on that later).

Quickmind of the NightWings
Quickmind is a scientist for the Shadow Claws, and the best friend of Hamerkop.

Hamerkop of the MudWings
I did the more finished drawing in the middle before I'd really figured out Hamerkop's face shape. Oh well.

Iceberg of the IceWings
Iceberg is part of the Blazing Initiative, a group organized to combat the Shadow Claws. This drawing was mostly to figure out his stripe pattern.

Animation Test

This is pretty low-effort. I could probably do better if I tried, but this was mostly just to see if it was doable.

Animated in GIMP

Inktober day 19

Eh, I totally failed at getting my planned drawing done, but I did draw this:

It's ink. I'm counting it.

...Stupid concentric circles.

Inktober day...17?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been traveling, and I'm not quite brave enough to try to ink something in a moving car, let alone in the dark while trying to calm an angry cat.

Prompt: swollen (although the drawing is really only tangentially related)

The akhlut is a creature from Inuit mythology. It's a shapeshifter, capable of taking the form of a wolf or an orca. I love these things.

I considered doing an ahklut for the prompt whale, but the bake-kujira won out for that one, so I used it for this prompt instead.

Akhlut (Inktober 2018)


Driki is one of my characters, a young hydra from the same story as Afinaz. He only has one head so far, but that's because he's still very young. I might change the color of his venom glands at some point, I don't know.

Inktober day 14

Prompt: clock

Don't know what this guy is, but the irony of the post being late is astounding. Now I want to know his color scheme....


Inktober day 12

Prompt: whale

This is a bake-kujira, a ghostly whale from Japanese mythology. They're typically accompanied by "strange fish." This is probably my favorite piece I've done for Inktober so far, and also the most time-consuming. It's a fin whale--don't they have the most delightfully alien skulls?

Bake-kujira (Inktober 2018)

Inktober day 11

Prompt: cruel

"Mostly she is gloomy and cruel." ~the Prose Edda, about Hela

Not that I interpret her character that way....