The Falconry Chronicles: Page 14


Boy has it been a while, but we are back! 

I'm really sorry it took so long--moving absolutely trashed my ability to keep a schedule, apparently--but I did get a lot of behind-the-scenes work done in the interim. There's a really solid outline now, and I did a lot of design work on the town and the background characters who live in it. And look, I learned to draw smoke better, apparently!

I can't promise we'll go back to a consistent schedule, but I will try to take less than three months on the next page. :P

White Wolf


Huh, it's been a while since I drew Marvel. This is Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. the Winter Soldier a.k.a. White Wolf, in my idea of what an MCU-ified version of the comics-verse White Wolf costume might look like. 

I found some sketches I did back in 2018 and figured, I still really love this character, and I'm feeling confident about drawing humans lately, so I might as well take a shot at it.