The Falconry Chronicles: Page 11

I am so excited to finally get to draw the main character you have no idea

Wait, it is Friday, right?? I cannot keep track of time anymore

So, uh...I'm starting to think my previous ability to churn out a page a week must have been fueled by novelty and a need to distract myself from coronavirus. And things are probably about to get real busy around here, so...I think I'm going to switch the release schedule to every other week. I'll still be trying to finish a page every week, but it'll be less stressful this way.

Tl;dr new update schedule is every other Friday

Prince Fathom

Fathom Wings of Fire
This headshot was from a larger sketchpage that I may or may not post, but I ended up really liking this Fathom design, so here it is on its own.

The Falconry Chronicles: Page 10

Alright, now back to regularly scheduled pages! I almost forgot to post this because I can't keep track of the days of the week anymore.

I'm really not happy with this one...but I've already spent too long on it and it completely defeats the purpose of taking time to rebuild my backlog if I spend the whole two weeks redoing one page over and over.

Grass is my nemesis now.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Here, have something that isn't Phantom for once. Specifically, designs for my teams from PMD.

Here's the previously-seen Explorers of Sky team, with Cyndaquil player and Mudkip partner. Including a design for the player character as a human!

And here are the fully-evolved designs for my original Blue Rescue Team squad, from the first time I played a PMD game all the way through. Mudkip is one of my favorite Pokemon, ss you may be able to see....

I've got a vague idea for a story involving these two teams meeting. Probably nothing will ever come of it, though--I've already got a comic to work on, after all.

Phantom again

He's there, inside my mind

I can't stop drawing him


(Actually it's not a problem; anything that gets me to practice drawing humans is a good thing)

More Phantom...?

Yeah, you can blame my brother for this one. (The second brother, specifically.)

Looks like the Phantom really does not want to be at this barbeque party. I can just imagine his internal monologue... "Why am I here. I have an opera to write. Can I go home now? Ugh, why is the sun so BRIGHT? I swear, if ONE MORE PERSON asks about the mask...."

The Phantom of the Opera

"Hmm, I'd like to draw the Phantom. I'll just do a quick sketch," I told myself. Apparently I do not know the meaning of that phrase.

The Falconry Chronicles: Page 9

*Dazed look* it done? Huh?

Anyway, I'm not going to post a page next week. It turns out I really do need at least one page of backlog for my own sanity, and hopefully this will give me a chance to build that back up, so that I don't have to do things like force myself through most of the linework and all of the coloring in one day. 

Thank goodness this page is dialogue-free, or I definitely wouldn't have gotten it out on time. As it is...*faints*

So, Dracula...

I've been reading original book, and I can't stop thinking about this paragraph:

because, uh...

The Falconry Chronicles: Page 8

I can't believe this got done on time. Normally I'm working a page ahead of schedule, but I got sick last week and wiped out my whole backlog, and this page was...inexplicably hard to get done. Hopefully the next couple go fast so I can restore my backlog....