Happy Friday! Have some more Falconry Chronicles filler content. Specifically a rough sketch of the Falconress doing some falconry.

Prince Albatross

Albatross Wings of Fire

An Albatross design--for the Operastalker universe, technically, but it works as a general-purpose one too.

The Falconress and her TARDIS

Since I posted that last page and my brain immediately went, "What? No, you're not allowed to stop drawing these characters." Which is probably a good sign for this project's long-term success.

Bonus: a sketch of a very wet Fleck

The Falconry Chronicles: Page 12

For those of you who don't know, since I think I have some siblings who are less familiar with Doctor Who lore than I am, Gallifrey's sky is orange. (Or it is when the writers aren't cowards)

IMPORTANT SCHEDULE-RELATED UPDATE: I'm moving, apparently! Which is great news, but it means that for the rest of the month I'm not going to have a lot of time for drawing, and especially not for the long, focused drawing sessions that these comic pages require. And since I never did manage to rebuild my backlog, that means I won't be able to update for the rest of the month. Probably don't expect a new page until July 7th, at the earliest.

EDIT: July 10th, actually. The 7th is a Tuesday and I have no idea why I picked that date.

Wings of Fire/The Phantom of the Opera?

Specifically, a crossover AU where the characters from Phantom are fused with the characters from Legends: Darkstalker, because my brain operates on a constant wavelength of "crossover fanfiction" and also there are some very nice character parallels.

Or: Darkstalker AU where Darkstalker hatched with a deformed face and all the magic is replaced with music and also everyone is French for some reason.

Please do click on the image to view it larger. I can't make it display any bigger without it bleeding out into the sidebar.

Before you ask, no, Fathom and Clearsight are not in love in this universe, and yes, this does give the Phantom a sister, and no, I don't know where Indigo is.

(Me: Ooh, I could make a comic out of this!
The sane half of me: You want to draw a comic set in the Paris Opera House? Have you seen that building?
Me: ...Okay, nevermind.)
Wings of Fire Clearsight, Listener, Whiteout

The girls from Legends: Darkstalker. Clockwise from top: Whiteout, Clearsight, Listener