Some OC designs

Well, I totally dropped the ball on Inktober. Not because I wasn't drawing, though--I've made several reference sheets of the characters from my WoF fanfic/planned fancomic over the past few days, and I figured out how to animate in GIMP (more on that later).

Quickmind of the NightWings
Quickmind is a scientist for the Shadow Claws, and the best friend of Hamerkop.

Hamerkop of the MudWings
I did the more finished drawing in the middle before I'd really figured out Hamerkop's face shape. Oh well.

Iceberg of the IceWings
Iceberg is part of the Blazing Initiative, a group organized to combat the Shadow Claws. This drawing was mostly to figure out his stripe pattern.

Animation Test

This is pretty low-effort. I could probably do better if I tried, but this was mostly just to see if it was doable.

Animated in GIMP

Inktober day 19

Eh, I totally failed at getting my planned drawing done, but I did draw this:

It's ink. I'm counting it.

...Stupid concentric circles.

Inktober day...17?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been traveling, and I'm not quite brave enough to try to ink something in a moving car, let alone in the dark while trying to calm an angry cat.

Prompt: swollen (although the drawing is really only tangentially related)

The akhlut is a creature from Inuit mythology. It's a shapeshifter, capable of taking the form of a wolf or an orca. I love these things.

I considered doing an ahklut for the prompt whale, but the bake-kujira won out for that one, so I used it for this prompt instead.

Akhlut (Inktober 2018)


Driki is one of my characters, a young hydra from the same story as Afinaz. He only has one head so far, but that's because he's still very young. I might change the color of his venom glands at some point, I don't know.

Inktober day 14

Prompt: clock

Don't know what this guy is, but the irony of the post being late is astounding. Now I want to know his color scheme....


Inktober day 12

Prompt: whale

This is a bake-kujira, a ghostly whale from Japanese mythology. They're typically accompanied by "strange fish." This is probably my favorite piece I've done for Inktober so far, and also the most time-consuming. It's a fin whale--don't they have the most delightfully alien skulls?

Bake-kujira (Inktober 2018)

Inktober day 11

Prompt: cruel

"Mostly she is gloomy and cruel." ~the Prose Edda, about Hela

Not that I interpret her character that way....


Inktober day 9

Prompt: precious

I don't often draw hoarding dragons, but it seemed appropriate.


Inktober day 8

Prompt: star

Not something from actual mythology, but this is what the prompt makes me think of.

Star Dragon

Some dragons

One Asian-styled, one European-styled. Still haven't done my Inktober drawing, oops.

Inktober day 6

A bit late, oops.

Prompt: drooling

Was planning to draw Cerberus, but I can never get his heads to look right, so I reused the body for a similar but easier to draw mythological figure: Garmr, the guard dog of Helheim in Norse mythology. He's a Rottweiler in my head for some reason. I guess he should probably be more menacing, given his role, but I didn't feel like drawing that.


Garmr (Inktober 2018)

Inktober day 5

Prompt: chicken

A cockatrice! Danger chicken.


Seems more menacing in the blurry photo. Huh.

Inktober day 4

Prompt: spell

Someone from mythology who's not a death god or a monster?! This is unprecedented!

Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing and magic, among other things. I probably failed at some of those foreign characters in the background--I'm never tried to write Arabic letters or kanji before.


Inktober day 2

Prompt: tranquil

The expressiveness of brush pens works well for fiery creatures like phoenixes!


Inktober day 1

I've decided to participate in the Inktober drawing challenge this year. I'm probably going to do it fairly loosely--I already technically failed at posting anything on the 1st, due to my weird hours and current lack of scanner--but hopefully I'll manage to at least get all 31 drawings done.

The daily prompt for the 1st was poisonous, and I've decided on a mythology/mythical creatures theme, so I drew a hydra. (Sorry for the terrible quality, I had to take a picture using my surface tablet's camera because, like I said, I don't have a scanner right now. I'll upload a scan when I've got one.)

Hydra for Inktober
This many-headed monster from Greek myth was said to possess deadly poison.
 Since I was feeling inspired by the poison theme, I also drew this quickly (using the tablet this time):

Gas Mask Snake
Tu Eshosh is a spirit-creature in the same vein as Misheth the Spectral, but a lot more dangerous. He/it's got a radioactive bite and aura, and lurks in areas like the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. It's mostly mindless, functioning on instinct.

UPDATE: Scanned version of the hydra: