
Hey, guess whose tablet is working again!
Mapleshade Warrior Cats
One of the villains from Warriors. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "crazy cat lady"!
I drew this back in May and never got around to scanning it. I'm very happy with this one.

Bearded vulture

a colored pencil drawing of a bearded vulture
Colored pencil on toned paper. Done in art class a year or two back.

Old Undertale art

From back in 2016-2017. I have pages and pages of this stuff, but this is some of the best. (Warning: spoilers ahead, if you haven't played Undertale and intend to.)

Gaster Follower Three
Gaster follower 2 (May '17). Pencil, crayon, and watercolor, I believe.

Omega Flowey dragon
Dragon Omega Flowey (Feb '17). Colored pencil.

A concept of Snowdrake from before Deltarune came out (Jan '17). Colored pencil.

Christmas GasterChristmas Gaster Follower
Merry Christmas from the Gaster Squad! I think I was planning to do all of the Followers, but I never got around to it. Pencil, colored and regular.

Monster Kid and Goner Kid Christmas
Merry Christmas from Monster Kid and Goner Kid, too!

And finally, this. Starring Gaster Follower 3 and Napstablook.

The King

Drew this for Inktober, then decided to post something else instead. It's not bad though.


The pen-and-watercolor sketches for a Wings of Fire fan continent I was working on, uhh...a year ago today, apparently. Huh.

I haven't thought about this setting for a while, so we'll see if I remember any of the details. Rambling under the cut.


Drew this a couple months ago with the fancy inking pens I used for Inktober last year.

Inktober day 29

Prompt: adventurous, from the Cosmere list. Eshonai from Stormlight, who wants to be adventurous but instead has to lead an army.

Inktober day 28

Prompt: magician boat, from A.I. list 3. This, uh...somehow didn't end up posted yesterday.

Inktober day 24

Prompt: justice, from the Cosmere list. Nalan'Elin, Herald of Justice, from The Stormlight Archive.

Inktober day 22

Prompts: ghost, from the official list, and beast, from the Cosmere list. The shadowy dog one of my D&D parties tamed and adopted.

Inktober day 19

Prompt: cat becomes abundant, from A.I. list 3. Starring our cat Hazel and all twelve of her kittens.

Inktober day 16

Prompts: scarfed mystery, from A.I. list 3, and glowing, from the Cosmere list. Based on the story of "The Girl Who Looked Up," from The Stormlight Archive.

Inktober day 14

Mistwraith, from Mistborn

A mistwraith, from the Mistborn books. Prompt: amorphous, from the Cosmere list. And overgrown, from the official Inktober list. And sniff, from A.I.nktober list 1, and redeyed, from A.I. list 2, and tangentially hyper LARGE from A.I. list 3. Ha!

Inktober day 13

Prompts were ash, from the official Inktober list, and metallic, from the Cosmere one, so of course I had to draw something Mistborn-related. Vin, y'all.

 I'm not super happy with this one, but oh well.

Inktober day 12

Winter from Wings of Fire with a Christmas sweater

Prompt: dragon, from the official Inktober list. Winter from Wings of Fire in a Christmas sweater.

Inktober day 11

Hmm. So much for being on time.

Prompts for this one were alien,from the Cosmere list, and snow, from the official list.

Inktober day 10

And here's today's drawing! Prompt was pattern on the official Inktober list, so I drew Pattern from The Stormlight Archive. 
Pattern from Stormlight Archive

For those who haven't read it: Pattern is sort of a nature spirit representing the underlying mathematics of the universe. He's magically bonded to Shallan, one of the protagonists of the series.

Inktober day 9

Sorry this is a day late. We were busy all of yesterday preparing for the snowstorm that hit today, and I couldn't find a spare moment to draw.

vengeful moon
Prompt for this one was vengeful moon, from A.I.nktober list 3. This drawing's a sequel to astral egg, from day 4. All these weird giant space birds are phoenixes.

Oh, and hey! This is the 100th post on this blog! That's cool.


Feathertail from Warrior Cats
Feathertail, from Warrior Cats.

Inktober day 7

Prompt: damselcoiled, from A.I.nktober list 3. Loosely based on the Norwegian fairy tale "Prince Lindworm." Everyone's emotions ended up looking considerably less intense than I'd envisioned, but I kind of like this better.

Inktober day 5

Shardblades at the Recreance
Prompt: abandoned, from the Cosmere prompt list. Based on a scene from The Way of Kings, when the Knights Radiant betrayed humankind, abandoning their oaths and swords.

Inktober day 2

Prompt: watery discovery, from the second prompt list here.

Happy October!

Halloween cat Shuri

This is Shuri, the only kitten we kept from Hazel's first litter. Doesn't she make a great Halloween cat?

Tbh this should probably be shaded, but my tablet's charger broke and I doubt I could shade well with a mouse.

Inktober day 1

Oh hey, it's October! Art challenge time.

I'll probably be jumping around between several prompt lists as they strike my fancy and we'll see if I actually remember to do this for more than a few days. Also: I'mma be using just a regular ballpoint pen this time instead of fancy inking pens, 'cuz it turns out I really like ballpoint pens for drawing.

Today's prompt is shadow, from the prompt list for Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere novels (this one). The character shown here is Kelsier, from Mistborn.