Quick drawings of some of my WoF OCs. Ibex, Petrel, Hamerkop, and Fer-de-lance have shown up here before [12], but Alpine, Mesa, and Chrysis haven't. Alpine and Mesa are a detective team in one of my fanfics, and I'm not sure what Chrysis does but he's a very shiny Rain/Hive hybrid named after a kind of wasp.
Some Wings of Fire OC headshots

More Falconry Chronicles stuff

Falconry Chronicles squad
I have tons of colored sketches now, but this is (I believe) the first pic I've done of this crew with cleaned-up linework and shading.

Bonus: Falc in a fancy dress. The skirt's got Gallifreyan writing on it. :D


Kalazeras Tashlin
One of my D&D characters: Tashlin, dragonborn bard and the last survivor of Clan Kalazeras. Dragonborn technically aren't supposed to have tails, I don't think, but I like her better with one.