
Welp, here it is.
Cricket WoF

And an alternate version, because I can't decide which I like better:


Sundew WoF
A companion piece to that Blue from earlier. Guess this means I oughtta do a Cricket too....

Sketch Roundup 2019

Various sketches and doodles from throughout the year, in approximate chronological order.

Vulture painting
A sketch of a bird
Some pangolins.
Asphodel Curie. Remember her from back in February?
I have no idea what GIMP filter I accidentally used for this, but it's neat.
Some void-creatures.
Someday I oughtta finish this one...
Dragons based on draco lizards.
A setting test.
Fleck from Falconry Chronicles
Avatar: The Last Airbender characters as dragons? Heck yeah. (Ft. Zuko, Aang, Toph, Katara, Azula)

Dr. Gaster from Undertale
An unfinished piece of Princess Luna from MLP:FiM

And, finally, another setting test