I drew this back in May and never got around to scanning it. I'm very happy with this one.

Bearded vulture

a colored pencil drawing of a bearded vulture
Colored pencil on toned paper. Done in art class a year or two back.

Old Undertale art

From back in 2016-2017. I have pages and pages of this stuff, but this is some of the best. (Warning: spoilers ahead, if you haven't played Undertale and intend to.)

Gaster Follower Three
Gaster follower 2 (May '17). Pencil, crayon, and watercolor, I believe.

Omega Flowey dragon
Dragon Omega Flowey (Feb '17). Colored pencil.

A concept of Snowdrake from before Deltarune came out (Jan '17). Colored pencil.

Christmas GasterChristmas Gaster Follower
Merry Christmas from the Gaster Squad! I think I was planning to do all of the Followers, but I never got around to it. Pencil, colored and regular.

Monster Kid and Goner Kid Christmas
Merry Christmas from Monster Kid and Goner Kid, too!

And finally, this. Starring Gaster Follower 3 and Napstablook.

The King

Drew this for Inktober, then decided to post something else instead. It's not bad though.


The pen-and-watercolor sketches for a Wings of Fire fan continent I was working on, uhh...a year ago today, apparently. Huh.

I haven't thought about this setting for a while, so we'll see if I remember any of the details. Rambling under the cut.


Drew this a couple months ago with the fancy inking pens I used for Inktober last year.