The Deltarune Heroes

The Deltarune heroes: Ralsei, Susie, and Kris
The Three Heroes of Legend! Or the Fun Gang, or something. All of them have two different designs, depending on what part of the game you're in, and I thought it'd be cool to do something with that. And now I've actually drawn Kris, yay.


  1. Are we Absolutely sure that Ralsei is Asriel/has an upside down spade Instead of a Heart?

    1. We're not sure about anything, and that's not Asriel, it's just his hatless form

    2. Temmie Chang's concept sheet depicts it as a spade, not a heart. That may or may not mean anything for the game's canon appearance, being that the line is incredibly thin and may not have been possible to add to the sprite without it looking bad.

    3. Does this mean there are multiple spade Types? Because there is for Hearts (Hathy and head Hathy) and Diamonds (Rudinn and Rudinn ranger) But not for clubs and possibly spades. (But then again Head Hathy and Rudinn ranger may just be rudinn and hathy just with higher ranks than citizen, and Ralsei could just be wearing spades beacause its a normal thing to wear or be a card thing)

  2. Ugh, freakin' Susie. How even do you looking at the camera.
    Also, that particular take on such, combined with the armbands, really reminds me of Bowser.
    (Also: how the world does she stand to have a spiky band around the edge of her shoulder?)
